In the world of website content, sometimes less is more. Have you ever found yourself looking at a webpage with paragraph after paragraph of information and instantly felt overwhelmed? Getting the message across with less verbiage increases your chances of retaining the attention of your viewers.
This page layout style will prove helpful when trying to create a more robust or impressive webpage. The moderate layout provides a platform that will increase the amount of content you have on a page without increasing noise or clutter.
The showcase layout is designed to categorize media in a fluid and organized manner. This page style allows our customers to display images in a way that is well received by the viewer. This is achieved with a call-to-action in mind as well.
Want to turn your website into an online store? No problem! We can design e-commerce layouts that are able to categorize products by size, color, style etc. Our stores include cart, and checkout. We can even set you up to accept paypal as well as all major credit cards.